Do you feel overwhelmed by too much stuff, having to make too many decisions and all the obligations you ‘have’ to meet? Are you running exhausted and feeling short of mental clarity? Are your closets full but your bank account closer to empty? Though often it seems we have few choices, you can begin to simplify and say yes to LESS starting today. Much of the time, we make our own misery because when we string all those seemingly small decisions (and spends) together, they impact our quality of life. It’s not just about the money we spend on bringing in what will be considered clutter in 3 months; it’s how we spend our energy and focus. If you find you would like to have more mental clarity, more meaningful time with friends and family, clearer counters and floors and have a cushion in your bank account, it will take a new approach. It will also take time, dedication and arresting some of your old habits… and that may be a challenge to your friends and family at first but this is about YOU taking control of your life, happiness and future. Life is short. Make it count. When you do, it will ultimately be better for you and your family. Real friends will support the newer healthier (mentally, emotionally, better rested) and happier you. Start here and now.
Step 1 Declutter: Identify who would love, need or appreciate the things that no longer serve you well. EBay, Donate, recycle and return items today because every day that you feel overwhelmed or controlled by your stuff/environment, is a compromised day that can lead to a compromised life and compromised relationships.
Step 2 Organize what remains so you know what you have and where it is. Eighty percent of the time we only use 20 percent of our stuff including food, clothes and papers. If you need help, enlist a Professional Organizer or you can contact me directly I work in person and coach remotely.
Step 3 Change your habits around shopping and acquiring. If you are a reader, I highly recommend Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez. That single book changed my relationship with stuff and money and I have shared those lessons learned with all my clients and audiences. The book should be required reading for all high school students. If you read this book, share it with your family so they can understand why you are making or requesting changes of them moving forward.
Step 4 Take control of your digital feed. Disable store/shopping notifications. Unsubscribe from their daily emails and feeds. Don’t click on shopping banner links in your apps, erase your cookies, opt out wherever you can. Don’t EVER let advertisers control your mind or they will control your wallet and future. I spent 10 years in market research before becoming a Certified Professional Organizer. Your privacy has already been compromised and your shopping and web surfing habits are followed. Most of the time, you are not as much in control of your mind and thoughts as you believe because of nonstop sophisticated advertising.
Step 5 Start prioritizing and goal setting for both short and long term. This is key when I work with my clients as it directs all efforts. Meaningful change cannot happen without identifying the ‘why’ and building a vision of what you want to create. It will become more compelling as you become more aware of the swift passage of time and the value of your focus and resources.
Step 6 Reassess your schedule and activities. After completing steps 1 through 5, you will probably be ready to make changes.
Step 7 Onboard your family and friends to your new goals and habits so they can support positive and meaningful change.
Finally, surround yourself with people who appreciate you, your talents and the value you place on relationships over stuff and peace over drama/chaos. If you need help with any of these steps or would like to know more, please connect. I’m www.WithinReach.Biz